AngularJS - MVC Architecture

Majority of javascript developers use AngularJs MVC pattern, because its offers architectural benefits over standard javascript. It decouples the model and view which leads to effortless maintenance in the project. Model Model represents the current state of the application data. Model is primarily concerned with business data. Model consistently notifies its observers (e.g views) that a change has occurred so that views reacts accordingly. For...

An Introduction to the AngularJS Basics Directives Part1

ngApp The first ngApp found in the document is used to define the root element to auto-bootstrap an application. ngapp is typically placed near the root element of the page like in the body or html tag. ng-app executes at priority level 0. ngInit This directive is used to initialize the application data. ng-init executes at priority level 450. ngRepeat This directive is used to iterate over the properties of an object. ng-repeat executes...

Two way data binding vs Traditional Approach in AngularJS with example

Two-way data-binding Two way data binding means automatic synchronization of data between the model and view components. Whenever the model changes,angular will cause the view to automatically update leading to no explicit DOM (Document Object Model) manipulation and vice versa. Two way binding example in AngularJS <script src=""> </script> <div ng-app=""> Name:...

Advantages and Disadvantages of AngularJS

Key Features of AngularJS Two-way data-binding Two way data binding means automatic synchronization of data between the model and view components. Whenever the model changes,angular will cause the view to automatically update leading to no explicit DOM (Document Object Model) manipulation and vice versa. READ MORE Minimal Code AngularJS reduces the number of LOCs when compared to Javascript/JQuery. Directives At a high level, directives are...

How to resolve VeraCode Improper Resource Shutdown or Release

Description The application fails to release (or incorrectly releases) a system resource before it is made available for re-use. This condition often occurs with resources such as database connections or file handles. Most unreleased resource issues result in general software reliability problems, but if an attacker can intentionally trigger a resource leak, it may be possible to launch a denial of service attack by depleting the resource pool. Recommendations When a resource is created or allocated, the developer is responsible for properly...

Eligible Object for Garbage Collection when all the references of that parent object explicitly assigning to null

Overview JVM will reclaim the unused object from heap memory for future use.Unused Object means no longer referenced by any part of your program pointer to that object. To demonstrate unused object is reclaim by garbage collector by calling System.gc() function.System.gc() method provides just a "hint" to the JVM that garbage collection should run. But It is not guaranteed!! Parent object set to null If an object holds reference of another object and when you set container object's reference null, child or contained object automatically becomes...

What is AngularJS?

Open Source Javascript Framework. AngularJS is a structural framework for dynamic web application. Perfect for Single Page Application (SPA). It was developed in 2009 by Misko Hevery. It is now officially supported by Google. It extends HTML with new attributes. There is no need of any server side Script like jsp,asp etc. It can run anywhere where javascript can run because angularjs is completely written in javascript framework....